For children who are newborn to age three, Maranatha provides an excellent nursery program designed to be the safest, most enjoyable experience for all the little ones who attend. The nursery is offered during all services.
There is an age-appropriate Sunday School Class for every child who comes to Maranatha, taught by caring individuals who thoroughly prepare each week's lesson in order to help young people grow in their knowledge of the Bible and of the God of the Bible.
During the Sunday morning service, children ages 3-5 participate in their own special program.
Our "Patch Club" is for children in 1st-6th grades. Wednesday nights - k3-6th Grade 630 - 730pm September through May
There are practical Bible lessons, memory verses, songs, games, daily devotions, and much, much more. Come be part of this great opportunity to learn to love the Lord with all your heart and serve Him with all your talents!