We can often live in fear and anxiety because of Satan's lies. He seems to use tricks of “smoke and mirrors.” Jesus said that the devil is a liar—and the father of lies.[1] The devil cannot “make” us do anything, but he is a master deceiver who is very much experienced at making people believe anything that interferes with God’s plan. Jesus Christ, in contrast, is called “the way, the truth, and the life,” and his plan is for each person to experience life “more abundantly.” Here are five lies that cause us to fear and the Biblical truth that sets people free from those fears if they will believe and trust God’s word. You can’t Do What God Wants You To Do. The worst thing about the “I can’t” lie is that it stops us before we start. It fills us with fear as we face our biggest obstacles and challenges. “I can’t overcome alcohol.” “I shouldn’t expect to have a good marriage.” “Everything I touch turns out wrong.” “I’m a failure.” “I can’t follow God.” “I can’t start that business.” In contrast, God is the creator of potential—and the completer of fulfillment. “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me..” [2] Yes, that verse is specifically about Paul’s learning to handle both plenty and poverty without being distracted from his life’s purpose by either. Still, if God is the great creator, if he knows us, if we will one day be rewarded for what we have done, then we may assume he has a plan for us—something we can do. No, we can’t do everything, but we can do anything he wants us to do. That includes overcoming our sins and failures by his grace and with his help and accomplishing his will for our lives. Whether it is something people consider to be great or small, God looks on the heart, and the very act of seeking to serve him is a success. And failure is an essential part of success. “ For a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again, but the wicked shall fall by calamity.” [3] The only way to never fail is to never attempt. So don’t be afraid to attempt that which God is leading you to do through prayerful and Biblical wisdom. Don’t fear and believe the lie of “I can’t.” God Won’t. “God won’t help me.” “God won’t forgive me again.” “God won’t hear me.” God won’t love me.” These are real cries of the hurting heart. And God is ready for that: “Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him. For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.” [4] God is not frustrated at our weaknesses and failing. Ask Peter after his denial of Christ. Ask the woman who was so ashamed that she could not even look up, but washed the feet of Christ with her tears. But he is severe to those who stubbornly persist in rejecting his grace. It’s Okay to be weak, but we must guard our hearts against being willfully and stubbornly resistant of God’s grace. The key differences? Sincerity and repentance. “The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.t.” [5] Nobody Cares. This is a lie from Satan, “the accuser,” much too close to the first recorded lie. His approach to Eve was that God did not have her best interest at heart. She could have more than God was offering. Although she had known only good, she could know both good and evil. And that experiential knowledge of evil brought pain and misery. God cares. “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things??” [6] And people care. It is natural to retreat from people when we hurt, to hide, to isolate ourselves. It is natural, but it is counterproductive. The healing comes as we choose the supernatural, God’s plan. And God’s plan involves accepting the provisions God has made, including people. That is one function of the church: “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching..” [7]That may take letting some people inside your life, opening yourself up, sharing your hurts when you just want to hide. But God intends to use his people. Will everyone respond rightly? Maybe not. In fact, probably not. In any group of people, some will let you down, but in a good church, there will be someone with whom you can connect. One function of pastoral leadership is to help people make those connections. If you are in our area, we would like to help. Please feel free to contact us or come for a visit to a service soon. We are here to listen and we care. You Don't Matter. You matter to God. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” [8] You are worth God assuming human flesh, dying on a cross to take the punishment for your sins, and rising again. You matter, not because of what you can do, not because of who you are, but because of whose you are, if you are a child of God. A loving parent cares for the child, even in the child’s failures. Your own parents are, or were, fallible. But your heavenly father is not. Yet we know by observation and by scripture that God’s children—and all people—suffer. The “why” behind suffering is a topic of its own, and has been a lifelong passion of Phillip Yancey, who wrote the book Where Is God When It Hurts.” This is a good source for deeper consideration of this topic. It’s Too Late. This is a powerful lie of the devil. The feeling of urgency which should prompt us to action becomes his tool to intensify despair and fear. The feeling of guilt which should prompt us to repentance, this the devil uses to make us hide from God because of fear instead. But what does God say? The mercy of God is “new every morning.” [9] I love Psalm 103:8—“The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy." —because it begins and ends its description of God with his mercy. And lost opportunity? True, yesterday cannot come again. But should we throw away today because of that? You might be surprised at how encouraging it is to do something rather than to stagnate in yesterday’s sorrow. This has all been written for the perspective of a person who has a relationship with God. It’s never too late to start. The first step in truly dealing with fear based on the lies of Satan is to begin a relationship with God. For more about knowing for sure of the forgiveness of God, having a real relationship with him that can bring peace and relief from fear, click here. [1] John 8:44 [2] Philippians 4:13 [3] Proverbs 24:16 [4] Psalm 103:13-14 [5] Psalm 34:18 [6] Romans 8:32 [7] Hebrews 10:25 [8] John 3:16 [9] Lamentations 3:23 You may also be interested in the following...
Randy Hamil
8/2/2021 10:38:44 am
Thank you for these I was looking for lies the enemy tells us and these are awesome. If you do not mind I will use them
Renee Wilson
2/4/2022 01:46:12 pm
The devil had me and the married man I was seeing and messaging for the last 5 or more years.
4/5/2022 08:38:28 am
Satan lied to me telling me I had fallen from grace and I was forsaken. But, God’s word contradicts that. Thanks for the list; it helped unmask a lot of the enemies lies.
Preston Rose
12/13/2023 10:11:32 am
That's what I'm fearing, that I fell from grace after leaving church and going back to my old ways.
Timothy Nhlapo
8/8/2022 05:06:27 am
Powerful teaching. Thank you very much.
Josette Claudina Nathaniel- Morgan
9/8/2022 04:17:50 pm
Just what I needed to remind me of God's love and faithfulness
Joseph Sun
9/23/2022 01:38:18 pm
Praise God! Thank you for posting this and it is a big blessing for me. It really reminded me of the time that I was so sick to the point of thinking that I would die any day during that long and very painful walk through the valley of the shadow of death. During those 400 plus days Satan was attacking me daily with his lies causing fear, distress, hopelessness, doubts, confusion etc. I thought I as well as my parents and mother-in-law were all going to die soon.praise the Lord that now almost two years letter we are all still alive and well by God’s mercy and in fact I am currently on a missions trip to visit my parents and mother-in-law and share with the gospel. Ever since God healed me on March 26 after a long and debilitating illness, I have been telling people to not fear, not to listen to the lies of the enemy and that if God delighted in bringing me a wretch like me back to life, He can save anybody. 👍❤️🙏🏻
2/10/2023 07:31:50 am
The devil used people to attack my purpose an cause emotional pain to where I couldn't focus ! I think is because I'm by myself no support I let go of God hands and let people control my focus on my purpose but it's not to late God said .
Sheryl Lowe
6/1/2023 10:20:54 pm
I live with a man who never takes his shoes off in a backpack is how he lives he never unpacks as anything why
Alan Burke
8/13/2023 09:47:57 am
God's guiding me out of my sins for I am too weak at the moment to resist them, god is the way the only way , none of my bad decisions through the sin of pride and addiction would have occurred if I had not been blinded to gods word, it's so important to instill this in the youth of today ,the earlier they realise ,the earlier their lives will be happy, giving and carefree.
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June 2023